Instructions for Star Wars: Mos Pelgo - Freetown Cantina
Taken from the first episode of the second season of The Mandalorian "The Marshall", I have tried to recreate in the smallest detail, as far as possible, the cellar where the opening bars between Mando and Cobb Vanth take place, especially as regards the interior and exterior in the front part; for the rear and roof, not clearly visible in the episode, I drew on my imagination, trying to keep the style used for the rest of the building. I divided the MOC into various modules, in order to guarantee high playability and also to give more opportunities to take pictures from different angles to recreate the scenes seen in the episode: the wall in front of the main entrance, corresponding to the back of the cellar, it can be removed as a whole, as well as its roof and the roof of the main building.
I wanted to highlight the bar and the turret that descends in a single body to the bar and I also tried to recreate those strange devices that descend from above, obviously within the limits of the LEGO pieces and above all of space.
The entire MOC is in minifig scale: doors, chairs, tables, the ladder and hatch are all usable at "minifigure size"; the five doors are all sliding.
I updated Mos Pelgo Cantina to the version seen in Episode 6 of the Book of Boba Fett series "From the desert comes a stranger", or Freetown Cantina, with the skeleton of the Krait Dragon on display!
The instructions include the construction of both the Cellar version Mos Pelgo (therefore without the skeleton), and the Freetown version (with the skeleton), according to the needs of each one. If desired, the skeleton is easily removable in case you want to switch from one version to another.
Donated by dmonti79