First off, thanks very much for all of your donations! We would not have been able to help out so many kids without your generosity. It was a pleasure to volunteer this year to help purchase and distribute the toys, and I hope to participate again in the future!

I kept my eyes peeled for sales almost constantly over the past several months and I think I found some great deals. I was able to stretch $1104.37 of your donations into buying $2808.27 worth of LEGO, and no shipping fees were incurred! It was fun taking inventory of the toys as they arrived and watching the pile grow. I must admit that I had no idea that LEGO made so many game sets; perhaps that’s why they were some of the best deals to be had this year!

This past weekend my girlfriend and I loaded up her car with all 179 LEGO sets to be donated. As you can see, the back seat and trunk were filled to capacity! When we were unloading toys it really seemed like a clown car with an unending supply of LEGO.

We dropped the toys off at a marine outpost in Bell, CA just off the 5 freeway that distributes to areas in Los Angeles county that have some of the greatest need. The marine on hand to receive the toys kindly helped to unload the car. As you can see from the first picture, he also gladly posed for a picture in dress uniform beside the toys. Included in the donation were 22 sets that I donated in addition to those purchased with Creations for Charity funds.

Thank you again for your extreme generosity. I look forward to seeing what we can do together next year!