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Creations for Charity 2020 Hungary

Daniel Gabonyi

This year together and making possible with Nannan and CfC we had amazing plans for the fundraiser. We had the goal to help 5 organizations and our kids in Hungary. These organizations were the: Oltalom Alapítvány, InDaHouse Hungary, Mélyben és Reményben Alapítvány, Sant'Egidio and Szabolcs's kids in need.

We made a self-made christmas tree of the presents which were funded and collected you can see it down below. This set of presents was put together 5 times and delivered to the kids before Christmas:

All the organizations were really thankful, you can not imagine the feelings of the kids, when they received all those wonderful lego sets.

Again we would like to the CfC and Nannan for making this possible from year to year. Also we would like to say thanks for all the people who were donating for this good cause.

We wish you a Merry Christmas!



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