A lot has happened in the past year that affected everyone’s lives. We kept the annual fundraiser going, and to my surprise we even set a new record for the amount raised this year totaling over $18,240. I want to thank all the participants who made it possible for us to donate all these sets to kids in need, which meant more than ever in this challenging year.
Unlike in previous years, this year we raised most of our funds through the 24-hour live stream. Using a new fundraising platform on Tiltify, we were able to raise $11,000 through the stream alone. On the other hand, we had notably fewer creation donations and sales, which was our traditional means of fundraising. In 2020 we moved our store from Bricklink to our own website due to Bricklink no longer supporting the sale of custom creations based on licensed themes. We also did a complete makeover of our website to accommodate the move and replaced the look we’ve had for the past 10 years. This change may have played a role in the dip in the donation and sale of custom creations. We would love to hear feedback from anyone if this affected your participation in the fundraiser.
Going forward, we will continue to have the option for people to donate and sell their custom creations, which has always been a staple of our organization in promoting Lego builders to use their unique skills and creativity to give back to the community. We are also looking for more volunteers to help purchase and distribute Lego sets in their local community. Find out how you can get involved and take a look at our blog to see where we donated Lego sets in 2020. We hope to see you next holiday season for the 2021 annual fundraiser. Until then stay safe and keep building!
Nannan Zhang
Creations for Charity Founder and President