It was that time of year again, the time of year where people open up their hearts to give again. We look forward to this time of year because of what Creations for Charity does for needy kids across the world and because we get to play a small part in the distribution process.
We made plans last year as to which organization we would help with the toys given from Creations for charity. We looked for an organization dedicated to serving the needy.

Operation Lunchbox provides non-perishable foods for children in Georgia every week. They work with schools to provide bags of food for over 1500 children to take home on a weekly basis and they are always looking to add more kids and counties to their out reach.

We knew they had the outreach in place for the needy kids these toys needed to go to.

We were able to provide close to 100 sets for them to distribute. Thanks to Creations for Charity these kids had a little something special to open on Christmas. We at Eclipsegrafx want to thank all the people who participated in raising money through Creations for Charity. We always want to do more but we are grateful for the small part we play in the grander scheme of this. Lets break some records next year!