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Creations For Charity - 2018, Brazil!

Merry Christmas and greetings from Brazil!

I would like to start by saying – thank you to everyone who donated a creation to this event, as well as to those people who bought creations, we would not have been able to help out so many kids without your generosity. It was a pleasure to volunteer this year to help purchase and distribute the toys, and I hope to participate again in the future!

This year we have been able to unite two nearby orphanages called Casa de Acolhida and Abrindo Caminhos. Besides donating the wonderful toys that we love, we also made a snack to break the ice with the children. Of course we did not deliver simply the toys, we loved to build so we sat on the ground and helped the kids to build the models. Unfortunately we were not able to take pictures of the children for safety reasons because they were taken from their parents. One thing in particular struck me a lot this year, a wheelchair-bound child came down from his chair with a big smile on his face and sat on the floor and build with me.

Thanks again for the opportunity to make all these children have happy memories, in fact the greatest happiness is for us that we can do this beautiful job!! Congratulations Nannan for giving us such an opportunity! Merry Christmas and a happy new year to everyone!


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