T’was the night before Christmas, when all through the store, All the sets were sold, there were just no more. Thanks to all the people, who donated and bought, From the C4C store, so many Sold Lots!
These Donated builds, were converted to gifts. These LEGO sets, Kid’s sprits they lift. From Toronto to Cario, Australia to Hungry, AFOLs MOCs to Presents tucked under the Tree.
Thanks everyone for your help in this deed. To give a little back, to children in need.
I’m privileged to be able to help with Creations for Charity again this year and take the money raised from the awesome donners and buyers and procure some awesome LEGO sets for some children in Toronto, Canada. Again we chose the Toronto Children’s Aid, which is the our equivalent of Child Protective Services as well as provide support and services to children and their families. With the usual help of our ToroLUG Elf: Eric, and some ToroLUG donations – we managed to donate 67 sets or about $2100 in LEGO.

LEGO is the most requested item from parents and is an infrequent donation, so a large LEGO donation is cherished and always in need. So the Children Aid’s Society is always extremely happy to get our yearly donation.
I’m not sure how to keep saying this: but it’s an incredible feat to see how this community can come together and do something great to help others. From the bottom of my heart, Thank You.